Divine Healing


Divine Healing _ Your Benefit in Christ.

In these last days where deadly sicknesses and diseases are on the increase, the Spirit of the Lord is raising the standard through Divine healing. Our redemption in Christ is not only limited to the salvation of our souls but includes the healing of our bodies from all forms of infirmity, sickness, and disease. The provision for our healing has been made available in Christ. It is available for the taking!

In this book, you have the revelatory information on what you require to manifest Divine healing in your life or in the lives of others as you minister healing to them. Healing should not be a possibility but should be a certainty. This book is packed with the vital information, scriptural references, and testimonies to enable you to partake and make Divine healing your living reality.


Divine Healing _ Your Benefit in Christ
The subject of divine health and divine healing is an important subject in the Christian faith and to an individual Christian. This subject is one which should not only be understood but must be a lived experience and a lifestyle of every believer. It is for this concern that I have written this unique book on divine health and divine healing in these end times. Scripture testifies to the effect that diseases (pestilence) shall increase in the end time era. In this generation we can all testify to this reality of the prophecy of scripture. There has been a rise in incurable diseases to an unprecedented levels ranging from the diseases with well-known historic trends such as cancers to quite novel diseases or incurable conditions such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and the current pandemic of coronavirus(Covid19) which has caused many deaths across the world and the death toll is still on the rise as I write this book.
The truth is that there is nothing for a believer to be surprised about in what is going on in the world with regards to the health issues for individuals, communities, and nations. It is the unfolding of the prophecy of scripture. However, the believer has not been spared from these calamities and pestilences that have hit mankind. Experience has shown that many faith people have also suffered heavy blows and loss of life due to these sicknesses and diseases. The question which grips the faith community is this, “Is Divine Health and Divine Healing still a reality as purported in scripture?” The answer is an emphatic, Yes. We will henceforth dig deeper in this quest of recovering the lost “coin” called “Divine health and Divine healing” and mastering how we can benefit from it, with the intend of entrenching a lifestyle of walking in Divine health and Divine healing.
10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Luke 21:10-11 NIV.
For the purposes of common understanding in our discussions in this book we will be referring to sicknesses and disease in a more generalised and inclusive way. This means the words used in the bible with reference to illnesses, infirmities, pestilences, and plagues of health effect are herein included within the scope of sicknesses and diseases as used in this book. References to specific diseases may be done however no attempt shall be made to get into the pathology or scientific descriptions of the conditions. Our purpose in this book is to enable a believer to appropriate, partake and apply divine health and healing for both personal and others’ benefit in line with the word of God.