Gen 41:38-45
38 So Pharaoh asked them, “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?”
39 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. 40 You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”
41 So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.” 42 Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. 43 He had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command, and men shouted before him, “Make way!” Thus he put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt.
44 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt.” 45 Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. And Joseph went throughout the land of Egypt. NIV
The title and theme of this book has and continues to inspire not only me but many people whom I have shared this theme with. God revealed this theme to me, and I took hold of it by faith. I encourage you to receive it and walk in it. Wait and see what supernatural elevation will do to you if you believe in the God of supernatural elevation. Previously God gave me a theme entitled Divine Kingdom Power which I moved with for an entire year. We have tangible evidence and witnesses for the manifestation and impact done by the Divine Kingdom Power. The theme was derived from 1Kings18:24 where Elijah called upon the God who answers by fire. We are also witnesses of the Fire Power of God in our day and time, it is the power of the Holy Spirit.
Recently, God gave me a theme entitled Supernatural Elevation derived from the story of Joseph being elevated from the dungeon to the prime minister position in a land where Jews were looked down upon. It can only be Supernatural for a prisoner to be taken out of prison and in the same day declared the second in command to Pharaoh. In one day, judgement and sentencing were waivered(by-passed) and the man was elevated to the highest office in the land. As you read this book, I declare supernatural elevation to you! Whoever sees you, who knew you in your miserable state shall wonder because of the elevation that is coming upon you now. Whatever pertains to your life shall be elevated supernaturally in Jesus name. I declare the anointing for
supernatural elevation over your life, your family and work in Jesus name. Supernatural elevation is your portion!
The premise of the supernatural elevation points us to the working of the hand of God in the elevation of one’s life. This is not an elevation which is attributed to human endeavors and the cunning enterprising of human efforts. At the end we must all conclude that this is the hand of God at work. Elevation points to the rising, promotion, boosting, the changing from lower to higher levels of and quality of life and all that applies to one’s prosperity. It also refers to expansion, acquisition, and increased entitlement to that which is good for one’s life. Whatever level you started with this year, you are not going to end the year at the same level, but you shall rise to higher levels and elevation is your portion in all areas of life. You shall not go down, but you shall go UP, you shall expand in good things. You are going to be supernaturally elevated. When you visualise this theme, you must see yourself on an elevated position, a higher position, a position of seniority, a position of honour and favour. Projects must boom and flourish. It is time for expansion. Your sphere of influence must expand, enlargement of your territory must happen to you. Your gifting must become more effective, more pronounced, and more sharpened, it is time to break limitations and break records. Retrogression shall not dominate your life anymore. Remember the man Joseph had suffered a lot prior to this moment of elevation, I declare to you that your moment of suffering is over. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. The night is far spent, your morning is at hand, time to blossom and flourish, time of fruitfulness has come.
May the sun, the moon and the stars bow to your supernatural elevation and to your great rising. Great people will honour you because of what God is about to do in your life. The supernatural elevation will take you to levels, places and positions that are unimaginable. What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and that which has never entered into our imagination is about to happen to you now. Get ready and prepare for the Supernatural Elevation.
PRAYER POINTS (and declarations):
• Thank you, Lord Jesus for this Year of my Supernatural Elevation.
• I surrender my life to you, oh God in this year, take me through this year by your power and grace.
• I joyfully receive the year as my year for Supernatural Elevation, Supernatural Rising and Supernatural Expansion in all good things.
• Grace for Elevation is my portion in this year.
• This year is my year, I possess it for my Supernatural Elevation.
• This year is the year for my Supernatural Elevation, my Supernatural Rising.
• My life shall rise to a Higher Life,
• Higher Dimensions are mine.
• Promotion is mine.
• Greatness is mine.
• This year I am rising from the dust to great levels in my life.
• My faith shall rise to a great faith.
• My joy shall rise to great joy.
• I shall prosper in this year to be very prosperous.
• My greatness shall become very great.
• My health shall be complete, whole and sound in this year.
• I will not go down in this year, I rise to higher levels.
• Supernatural Elevation is mine…
• Supernatural Elevation in my family
• Supernatural Elevation in my marriage/relationship
• Supernatural Elevation in my children
• Supernatural Elevation in my connections and network
• Supernatural Elevation in my health
• Supernatural Elevation in my business
• Supernatural Elevation in my career
• Supernatural Elevation in my finances
• Supernatural Elevation in my workplace
• Supernatural Elevation in my faith
• Supernatural Elevation in my peace
Scripture References:
• Gen 41: 38-41
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Supernatural Elevation
Joseph, “The Dreamer”, was thrown in the pit and then sold to the Ishmaelites who also traded him like an object on auction which landed him in Potiphar’s house. Calamity after calamity, problem after problem, he was accused of attempting to rape Potiphar’s wife and thrown in the dungeon. It was in this dungeon that his God-given ability to dream was elevated to be the interpreter of dreams. That which is in you, needs a supernatural elevation and you will never be the same. From the dungeon, in one day he was elevated to the prime minister of Egypt a foreign land. Supernatural Elevation catapulted him to the top-most position in the land of Egypt. No matter what you have gone through, your time of Supernatural Elevation has come.